Cadit Draw Plates.ini
  • 29 Jun 2022
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Cadit Draw Plates.ini

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Article summary

Cadit Draw Plates.ini contains configuration settings for Draw Plates.

The file is located in the Settings subfolder under the Common Configuration folder or the Local Configuration folder. The program first looks for the file in the Common Configuration folder, then in the Local Configuration folder.

Any line starting with a semicolon (;) will be ignored.

[options]General settings
Template=Draw Plates.idwTemplate file for draw plates.
If the template file type is idw, an Inventor idw file is created, if it is dwg, an Inventor dwg file is created.
If path is omitted, the program searches for the template file in this order:
1. The Inventor template folder
2. \Sovelia Inventor Addin templates folder under the Inventor template folder
3. \CaditInventor Templates folder under the Inventor template folder
4. \CaditInventor folder under the Inventor template folder
5. \Template\en-US\Sovelia Inventor Addin templates under the Local Configuration folder.
[ViewLabel]View abel settings
ItemNo=1 or 0If set to 0, the visibility of item number is turned off in the view label.
Default = 1
Quantity=1 or 0If set to 0, the visibility of item number is turned off in the view label.
Default = 1
AssemblyName=1If set to 0, the visibility of assembly file name is turned off in the view label.
Default: 1
Extents=1If set to 0, the visibility of the external plate dimensions is turned off in the view label.
Default: 1
Material=1If set to 0, the visibility of material is turned off in the view label.
Default: 1
FileName=1If set to 0, the visibility of the plate file name is turned off in the view label.
Default: 1
ModelState=1If set to 0, the visibility of the plate model state is turned off in the view label.
Default: 1
PartNumber=1If set to 0, the visibility of part number is turned off in the view label.
Default: 1
Description=1If set to 0, the visibility of description is turned off in the view label.
Default: 1
CtDescription=1If set to 0, the visibility of the custom property ct_description, is turned off in the view label.
Default: 1
CtDrawPlatesRemarks=0If set to 0, the visibility of the custom property ct_dp_remarks, is turned off in the view label.
Default: 0
AssemblyProject=0If set to 0, the visibility of Project, from the assembly, is turned off in the view label.
Default: 0
AssemblyPartNumber=0If set to 0, the visibility of Part Number, from the assembly, is turned off in the view label.
Default: 0
AssemblyReference=0If set to 0, the visibility of the custom property ct_dp_reference, from the assembly, is turned off in the view label
Default: 0
ItemNo=Item No:View label title for ItemNo.
Default: Item No:
Quantity=Quantity:View label title for Quantity.
Default: Quantity:
AssemblyName=Item No and Quantity from Parts Only BOM in:View label title for AssemblyName.
Default: Item No and Quantity from Parts Only BOM in:
Extents=External dimensions:View label title for ItemNo.
Default: External dimensions:
Material=Material:View label title for Material.brDefault: Material:
FileName=File Name:View label title for FileName.
Default: File Name:
ModelState=Model State:View label title for ModelState.
Default: Model State:
PartNumber=Part Number:View label title for PartNumber.
Default: Part Number:
Description=Description:View label title for Description.
Default: Description:
CtDescription=Description:View label title for CtDescription.
Default: Description:
CtDrawPlatesRemarks=Remarks:View label title for DrawPlatesRemarks.
Default: Remarks:
AssemblyProject=Assembly Project:View label title for Assembly Project.
Default: Assembly Project:
AssemblyPartNumber=Assembly Part Number:View label title for Assembly Part Number.
Default: Assembly Part Number:
AssemblyReference=Reference:View label title for Assembly Reference.
Default: Reference:
[BOMStructure]BOM Structure settings
Purchased=0If set to 1, plates with BOM structure Purchased is drawn. Else not.
Default: 0
Phantom=0If set to 1, plates with BOM structure Phantom is drawn. Else not.
Default: 0
Inseparable=1If set to 1, plates with BOM structure Inseparable is drawn. Else not.
Default: 1
[ViewStyle]View style settings
ViewStyle=HiddenLineLegal values, HiddenLine or HiddenLineRemoved.<br<If set to HiddenLine, hidden lines are shown in the views.
If set to HiddenLineRemoved, hidden lines are removed in the views.
Default: HiddenLine
[Settings]Other settings
IncludeReadonly=1If set to 1, plates which is read only or not checked out from Vault is drawn. Else not.
Default: 1
OverrideFontSize=1If set to 1, View label text size is scaled to fit the size of the sheet. Else, the text size from the style in the template is used.
Default: 1
PlateCodes=PL \DPL \PLATE \DPLATE \XY \YX \XZ \ZX \YZ \ZY \PXY \PYX \PXZ \PZX \PYZ \PZY \TXY \TYX \TXZ \TZX \TYZ \TZYCt_cut_info codes to include with Draw Plates.
IncludeSheetMetal=1If set to 1, Sheet Metal parts are included. Else not.
Default: 1
ViewGap=15Gap along sheet borders and between views.
Default: 15
LabelGap=10Gap between bottom of view and top of view label
Default: 10
MaxRowWidth=0Max width for a row of views.
When width is reached, a new row is created for the next view.
If 0, all views are placed in one row.
Default: 0
RowGap=60Gap between rows of views.
Default: 60
[Layout]Layout settings
Sheets=OnePerTypeLegal values, OnePerType, OnePerPlate or AllOnOneSheet.
If set to OnePerType, there will be created

See also Draw Plates

Example: Cadit Draw Plates.ini

; Template=Draw Plates.idw
; Template=Draw Plates.dwg

; ItemNo=1
; Quantity=1
; AssemblyName=1
; Extents=1
; Material=1
; FileName=1
; ModelState=1
; PartNumber=1
; Description=1
; CtDescription=1
; CtDrawPlatesRemarks=0
; AssemblyProject=0
; AssemblyPartNumber=0
; AssemblyReference=0

; ItemNo=Item No:
; Quantity=Quantity:
; AssemblyName=Item No and Quantity from Parts Only BOM in:
; Extents=External dimensions:
; Material=Material:
; FileName=File Name:
; ModelState=Model State:
; PartNumber=Part Number:
; Description=Description:
; CtDescription=Description:
; CtDrawPlatesRemarks=Remarks:
; AssemblyProject=Assembly Project:
; AssemblyPartNumber=Assembly Part Number:
; AssemblyReference=Reference:

; Purchased=0
; Phantom=0
; Inseparable=1

; ViewStyle=HiddenLine
; ViewStyle=HiddenLineRemoved

; IncludeReadonly=1
; OverrideFontSize=1
; IncludeSheetMetal=1

; gap along sheet borders and between views
; ViewGap=15

; gap between bottom of view and top of view label
; LabelGap=10

; max width for a row of views
; MaxRowWidth=0

; gap between rows of views
; RowGap=60

Sheets = OnePerType
; Sheets = OnePerPlate
; Sheets = AllOnOneSheet

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