Center of gravity
  • 20 May 2022
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Center of gravity

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Article Summary


Place or updates the center of gravity part and properties in an assembly.
Place a Center of Gravity symbol in a view in a drawing.

The Center of Gravity function can either be used in an assembly or in a drawing.

Center of Gravity in an assembly

Center of Gravity places the part file ct_cog.ipt into the center of gravity in the active assembly. If ct_cog.ipt or -ct_cog-.ipt already exist in the assembly the position is updated. The center of gravity coordinates is placed in the properties ct_cog_x, ct_cog_y and ct_cog_z.

Start from Assembly ribbon, on the Sovelia panel: CofGIcon

The Center of Gravity is shown in a dialog and the COG properties, ct_cog_x, ct_cog_y and ct_cog_z, are updated.

OKCloses the dialog and exit the program.

Center of Gravity in a drawing

Center of Gravity places a center of gravity sketched symbol in a selected view in the drawing.

Start from Annotate ribbon, on the Sovelia panel:


The symbol scale, name and label text is controlled from the Center of Gravity Setup.
In CaditInventor.ini it is possible to set up default values for the same.

See also Center of Gravity Setup and CaditInventor.ini

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