Equipment BOM
  • 22 Mar 2023
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Equipment BOM

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Article summary

Installed base object types

The types of objects in the Equipment BOM is more simple than the item types.

Equipment - The main level of manufactured equipment. Contains the Equipment number, that is also displayed on all components that are part of it.

Catalog component - All Serial number traced items where Item type is 2-Off the shelf. Includes the Serial number information.

In house component - All Serial number traced items where  Item type is 1-In house designed. Includes the Serial number information.

Other components - All items that are not Serial number traced.

Equipment and serial numbers

The object ID generated by Sovelia can be used as the equipment or serial number. Naturally, purchased components will have the manufacturer's serial number that you will want to use.

Serial number traced components have the Serial number field for manual entry. They also have a virtual Serial number (V) field that shows the component object ID when the manual entry is not used.

Maintaining the Equipment BOM

As the structure is unique you can freely record any information to it related to the equipments manufacturing and its lifecycle.

Manufacturing related information may be in the form of documents such as certificates and reports. Serial numbers are also recorded during the assembly process.

Typical changes during the equipments lifecycle are related to component service and replacement. Often service programs are modeled into the system and used to forecast service requirements.

The data model for this is part of the implementation project.

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