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Sovelia Property Management
General Information
The Sovelia Property Management functions relate to editing properties in a more efficient manner. Some of the functions are specifically geared towards updating different types of data in the drawings.
Property Manager
The Sovelia Property Manager presents information using easily customizable tabs. Fields can be displayed in logical order and similar properties can be grouped and organized in different tabs.
These are the special features not possible with the standard properties palette:
P&ID line group properties can be edited on selected lines.
P&ID Control valves properties can be edited on selected control valves.
The Flow Dependent property on Valves can be edited in Plant 3D.
Parametric properties of almost any Plant 3D component can be edited.
When using the Sovelia Property Manager, there is no need to select fasteners with “Ctrl + click”. Simply click on the fastener. When clicking on a bolt set or a gasket a selection list is displayed where either the gasket or the bolt set can be selected.
Dimensions of all kinds of components can be edited with the Dimension Prop command, not just pipe supports and custom components. If a new component is similar to an existing component, it can be easier to edit the dimensions of the existing component instead of creating a custom part.
Managing the Property Manager
Using the NVPROPMANAGERSETUP command, or the icon under Sovelia Commands, relevant fields can be selected to be displayed for each type of component.
Fields can be added, and unwanted fields can be removed from the Property Manager.
To add a new database field:
Open the Property Manager Setup
Select which Class to add a new property to
Press “Add Row” and find the database field to add
Newly added fields will show up when double clicking on the component (e.g., P&ID line in the example below).
Parametric Dimensions
The Parametric Dimensions function allows a user to change the dimensions of a component. Instruments and valves are standard in length and flange sizes, but sometimes there is a need for a more flexible design. To change the parameters of a component:
Press the Parametric Dimension icon and select the object to change.
Edit any of the parameters and press Exit.
The visual representation of the component changes to reflect the new parameters.
Line Number Tag
The Line Number Tag function is found both in the Property Manager and the Sovelia Ribbon. Editing a line number in Plant 3D without Sovelia Plant requires a user to navigate to properties, scroll down to Line Number and find “New” in the list. With the Line Number Tag function, the tag can be edited simply by selecting the components and pressing the Line Number Tag button, either in the Ribbon or Property Manager.
Update Links
Normally links are updated when data changes in the external database. If “Write back” is activated data is written back to the external database when the drawing is saved. When choosing when links should be updated there are several options:
On change.
On save.
When drawing is opened.
When project is opened.
On an interval.
Optionally data can be updated with the Update links in drawing or Update Links commands. Simply select one of the commands and the system will update the data.
Update Tags Drawing
If the tag format changes or if properties are updated in the database without using the assign tag command the tag number field might not show the correct tag number. In this case the tag number can be updated by opening the assign tag dialog, but if many components must be updated this will take a long time. The Update Tags function solves this by updating all tags in a drawing or all tags in a project.
Update Calculations Drawing
The Update Calculations function works similarly to the Property Updater. Sometimes Plant 3D does not display the correct value when performing advanced calculations. The Update Calculations function manually performs a check of the calculations to ensure they are correct.
Update Acquisition Drawing
Acquisition means that properties on a component are inherited from another component. In P&ID:
Nominal size is set on pipeline group.
The line segment size is acquired from the Nominal size on the pipeline group.
The valve size is then inherited from the pipeline segment.
When changing the Nominal Size:
The line segment size is updated from the Pipeline group.
The valve size is updated from the line segment.
This normally works perfectly fine, but for setups with more complex acquisition rules sometimes not all acquisitions are updated properly. In this case the Update Acquisition command will update all acquisitions in the drawing.
Update Properties on Selected Items
When saving a Plant 3D model the Property Updater works to update properties in the background on new and changed components. Which properties are updated depends on the setup. If for some reason properties have not been updated properly the Update Properties command can be used to perform a manual update:
Select any components with errors in the model.
Press the Update Properties icon in the Sovelia Ribbon.
Match Properties
The match pipe properties function let a user copy data from a pipe to another. By selecting the icon, or using the SYMMATCHPROPETRIESCONFIG command, the user can select which fields should be copied.