Component Type.ini
  • 29 Jun 2022
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Component Type.ini

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Article Summary

The Cadit Parts Component Type.ini files contains configuration settings, component information and tables for the different component types in Components.
The file name appears as a component type in the Component Type list box in the Cadit Parts dialog.

The Cadit Parts Component Type files are located in the library folder.

Section KeyValueDescription
[Information]For information about the component
Standard=Component standard or information about what the component are based on. Shown under the icon in the Cadit Parts dialog.
Standard Revision=Component standard revision.
Commentv=Comment to standard information. Shown as a tooltip on the standard text.
[Template Information]For future use.
Table Parameters=Table parameter names used in the components, divided by comma. For future use.
Profile Type=Component type. For future use.
Original Featuresv=Original feature names in the template file, divided by comma. For future use.
UniqueFileName=0If set to 0, the component is reused if already made.
Default: 1
DisableMaterialSelection=1If set to 1, the material selection drop-down is hidden and disabled from the dialog. The template material is used.
Default: 0
StartPropertyEditor=0If set to 1, the Property Editor starts automatically after the component is inserted.
Default: 0
PropertyEditorSetup=Property editor setup nameProperty Editor setup to use if automatic Property Editor is on. If not set the Property Editor uses the Standard setup.
PlaceMethod=Legal values are TwoPlanarFaces, EdgeAndItsTwoFaces or no value at all.

If omitted, Cadit Parts inserts the component with the standard place component method.

If TwoPlanarFaces, Cadit Parts expets two planar faces to be selectet before the component is inserted.

If EdgeAndItsTwoFaces, Cadit Parts expects an edge to be selected.

Default: no value
ConstraintTo1=FeatureFirst constraint selection, on the selected feature and to the given feature on the inserted component.
Legal values are one of the Origin axes or planes or a named Work Feature.

Examples: XY Plane, XZ Plane, YZ Plane, X Axis, Y Axis, Z Axis, Center Point, Work Axis 1 or Work Plane 2.

First selection for TwoPanarFaces is the first selected face.

First selection for EdgeAndItsTwoFaces is the selected edge.

If omitted the constraint is not set.
ConstraintSolution1=Solution for the first constraint.
Legal values are Flush or Mate for faces.
Legal values are Flush, Mate or MateMidPoint for edges.

If omitted the constraint is not set.
ConstraintOffset1=0.0Offset distance for the first constraint.
Legal values are a number, a parameter name or equation.
Default: 0.0
ConstraintTo2=FeatureSecond constraint selection, on the selected feature and to the given feature on the inserted component.
Legal values are one of the Origin axes or planes or a named Work Feature.

Examples: XY Plane, XZ Plane, YZ Plane, X Axis, Y Axis, Z Axis, Center Point, Work Axis 1 or Work Plane 2.

First selection for TwoPanarFaces is the second selected face.

First selection for EdgeAndItsTwoFaces is the largest of the surfaces at the selected edge.

If omitted the constraint is not set.
ConstraintSolution2=Solution for the second constraint.
Legal values are Flush or Mate.

If omitted the constraint is not set.
ConstraintOffset2=0.0Offset distance for the second constraint.
Legal values are a number, a parameter name or equation.
Default: 0.0
ConstraintTo3=FeatureThird constraint selection, on the selected feature and to the given feature on the inserted component.
Legal values are one of the Origin axes or planes or a named Work Feature.

Examples: XY Plane, XZ Plane, YZ Plane, X Axis, Y Axis, Z Axis, Center Point, Work Axis 1 or Work Plane 2.

Not applicable for TwoPanarFaces

First selection for EdgeAndItsTwoFaces is the smallest of the surfaces at the selected edge.

If omitted the constraint is not set.

Solution for the third constraint.
Legal values are Flush or Mate.

If omitted the constraint is not set.
ConstraintOffset3=0.0Offset distance for the third constraint.
Legal values are a number, a parameter name or equation.
Default: 0.0
AngleProperty=Property nameThe angle between the two selected plans for TwoPlanarFaces is written to the property name given here if the property exists.
AngleParameter=Parameter nameThe angle between the two selected plans for TwoPlanarFaces is written to the parameter name given here if the parameter exists.
EdgeLengthProperty=Property nameThe length of the selected edge for EdgeAndItsTwoFaces is written to the property name given here if the property exists.
EdgeLengthParameter=Parameter nameThe length of the selected edge for EdgeAndItsTwoFaces is written to the parameter name given here if the parameter exists.
[User Defined Properties]Used to add custom properties to the component.
Name1=First property name. Add 1 to the number to add more properties.
Value1=Value to the corresponding property name. Use @@number to read value from dialog input.
[Summary Information]Used to add summary information properties to the component.
Name1=First property name. Add 1 to the number to add more properties.
Value1=Value to the corresponding property name. Use @@number to read value from dialog input.
[Document Summary Information]Used to add document summary information properties to the component.
Name1=First property name. Add 1 to the number to add more properties.
Value1=Value to the corresponding property name. Use @@number to read value from dialog input.
[Design Tracking Properties]Used to add custom properties to the component
Name1=First property name. Add 1 to the number to add more properties.
Value1=Value to the corresponding property name. Use @@number to read value from dialog input.
[VariableInput]Used for variable inputs. Keys for variables are numbered with the variable number.
@@1=Label for variable input 1. Add 1 to the number to add more variables.
Columns=Number of columns used for variable inputs in Cadit Parts dialog.
Default: 1
Column1=Column number for variable no 1 in Cadit Parts dialog.
Row1=Row number for variable no 1 in Cadit Parts dialog.
Default1=Default value to variable @@1. Used each time, must be changed by the user each time to get a different value.
Initial1=Initial value to variable @@1. Initial values are used the first time, next time the MRU value is used.
Maxvalue1=Maximum allowed value for variable 1.
Minvalue1=Minimum allowed value for variable 1.
Savable1=1If set to 1, the variable input value, for variable 1, is saved in the component user file when pressing the Save button.
Default: 0
ToolTip1=Tooltip to the label text of variable 1.
Type1=TextProperty type. If set to Text, new property will be of Text type.
[CaditProfileColumns]Table column settings. Column separator character is | (vertical bar).
Headers=Table headers, separated by |.
Widths=Default width value for column, separated by |. The column is not shown if 0. The user can change column width in the dialog temporarily.
Parameters=Parameter name or property name set by the column, separated by |.
ParameterTypes=Parameter type, separated by |.
Set to Material to add material from the column value.
Set to Massoverride to override mass from the column value.
Use " set name" to set the column value to a property.
Example 1:Material
Example 2:Massoverride
Example 3:Property.DesignTracking
Example 4:Property.Custom.
Formats=Number of decimal places for right-justified numeric values, separated by |. Empty for left-justified text.
If omitted, all columns are left-justified.
SpecialColumns=Special column tag.
name = Descriptive name in dialog
template = template file
description = description in dialog
displayname = name in table
[CaditProfiles]Table information. Column separator is | (vertical bar).
Profile1=Table information about each component in numbered order. Separated by | (vertical bar).
Each new member of the table must be numbered up with 1. There must be no gap between the numbers.

See also Components

Example: Cadit Part Component Type.ini
Any line starting with a semicolon (;) will be ignored.

Standard=EURONORM 53
Standard Revision=NS-EN 10034, 1994
Comment=Varmvalsede HE-A bjelker etter EURONORM 53, toleranser etter NS-EN 10034.
[Template Information]
Table Parameters=ct_h,ct_b,ct_s,ct_t,ct_r,ct_w,ct_w1,ct_d
Profile Type=H
Original Features=Extrusion1,Fillet1
[User Defined Properties]
;@@2=Suppress radius less than:
ToolTip1=Length of profile
ToolTip2=Suppress feature radius less than or equal to
Headers=       Name|Profile Dimension|Stock Number           |   h|   b|   s|   t|   r|   w1|   w2|   d|Mass (kg)|         | suppress_radius_less_than   |Standard               |Template|Description
Widths=         800|                0|                      0| 500| 500| 500| 500| 500|  450|  450| 450|      900|         |  0                          |                      0|       0|0
Parameters=        |ct_dimension     |Stock Number           |ct_h|ct_b|ct_s|ct_t|ct_r|ct_w1|ct_w2|ct_d|         |ct_lengde|-ct_suppress_radius_less_than|Standard               |        |Description           
ParameterTypes=    |                 |Property.DesignTracking|    |    |    |    |    |     |     |    |         |         |                             |Property.DesignTracking|        |Property.DesignTracking
Formats=           |                 |                       |   0|   0|   1|   1|   0|    0|    0|   0|        1|         |                             |                       |        |
SpecialColumns=Name|                 |                       |    |    |    |    |    |     |     |    |         |         |                             |                       |template|Description


Profile1 =HE 100A &#124; 100&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124; 96&#124;100&#124; 5  &#124; 8  &#124;12&#124; 56&#124;  &#124;13&#124; 16.7&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile2 =HE 120A &#124; 120&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;114&#124;120&#124; 5  &#124; 8  &#124;12&#124; 66&#124;  &#124;17&#124; 19.9&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile3 =HE 140A &#124; 140&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;133&#124;140&#124; 5.5&#124; 8.5&#124;12&#124; 76&#124;  &#124;21&#124; 24.7&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile4 =HE 160A &#124; 160&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;152&#124;160&#124; 6  &#124; 9  &#124;15&#124; 86&#124;  &#124;23&#124; 30.4&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile5 =HE 180A &#124; 180&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;171&#124;180&#124; 6  &#124; 9.5&#124;15&#124;100&#124;  &#124;25&#124; 35.5&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile6 =HE 200A &#124; 200&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;190&#124;200&#124; 6.5&#124;10  &#124;18&#124;110&#124;  &#124;25&#124; 42.3&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile7 =HE 220A &#124; 220&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;210&#124;220&#124; 7  &#124;11  &#124;18&#124;120&#124;  &#124;25&#124; 50.5&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile8 =HE 240A &#124; 240&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;230&#124;240&#124; 7.5&#124;12  &#124;21&#124; 94&#124;35&#124;25&#124; 60.3&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile9 =HE 260A &#124; 260&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;250&#124;260&#124; 7.5&#124;12.5&#124;24&#124;100&#124;40&#124;25&#124; 68.2&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile10=HE 280A &#124; 280&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;270&#124;280&#124; 8  &#124;13  &#124;24&#124;110&#124;45&#124;25&#124; 76.4&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile11=HE 300A &#124; 300&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;290&#124;300&#124; 8.5&#124;14  &#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124; 88.3&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile12=HE 320A &#124; 320&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;310&#124;300&#124; 9  &#124;15.5&#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124; 97.6&#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile13=HE 340A &#124; 340&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;330&#124;300&#124; 9.5&#124;16.5&#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124;105  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile14=HE 360A &#124; 360&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;350&#124;300&#124;10  &#124;17.5&#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124;112  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile15=HE 400A &#124; 400&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;390&#124;300&#124;11  &#124;19  &#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124;125  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile16=HE 450A &#124; 450&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;440&#124;300&#124;11.5&#124;21  &#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124;140  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile17=HE 500A &#124; 500&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;490&#124;300&#124;12  &#124;23  &#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124;155  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile18=HE 550A &#124; 550&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;540&#124;300&#124;12.5&#124;24  &#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124;166  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile19=HE 600A &#124; 600&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;590&#124;300&#124;13  &#124;25  &#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124;178  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile20=HE 650A &#124; 650&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;640&#124;300&#124;13.5&#124;26  &#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124;190  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile21=HE 700A &#124; 700&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;690&#124;300&#124;14.5&#124;27  &#124;27&#124;120&#124;45&#124;28&#124;204  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile22=HE 800A &#124; 800&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;790&#124;300&#124;15  &#124;28  &#124;30&#124;130&#124;40&#124;28&#124;224  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile23=HE 900A &#124; 900&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;890&#124;300&#124;16  &#124;30  &#124;30&#124;130&#124;40&#124;28&#124;252  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile
Profile24=HE 1000A&#124;1000&#124;=HE <ct_dimension>A&#124;990&#124;300&#124;16.5&#124;31  &#124;30&#124;130&#124;40&#124;28&#124;272  &#124;@@1&#124;@@2&#124;EURONORM 53&#124;hea.ipt&#124;HE-A Profile

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